Kodokan Judo
6:00pm - 7:00pm
9am - 10am
At Southam Dojo LLC Judo is studied with an emphasis on self-defense, (Goshin Jutsu.) You will learn to have flexibility in your response to an attack, from mild to severe, based on your abilities and the variables of the situation.
What you will learn
- Falling safely (Ukemi)
- Fundamental aspects of a throw, (Kuzushi, Tsukuri, Kake)
- The entire Kodokan curriculum contains 67 throws (Nage-Waza)
- Holding techniques (Osaekomi-Waza)
- Joint-locking techniques (Kansetsu-Waza)
- Choking techniques (Shime-Waza)
- Striking techniques (Atemi-Waza)
- Forms (Kata)
- Free practice (Randori)

About Judo
Prof. Kano, Jigoro had studied Tenjin Shinyo Ryu Jujutsu under Master Fukuda and Kito Ryu Jujutsu under Master Iikubo as well as other systems. From these arts he developed Judo. Judo means "Gentle Way" and the foundation school that he created in 1882 is called Kodokan " Place to Study the Way". The Kodokan Judo Institute is located in Tokyo, Japan.
Prof. Kano developed the ranking system used today by many martial arts which is the kyu/dan system. Kyu meaning class ( non black belt ranking ) and Dan ( meaning black belt ranking ).
Many other systems of martial arts have included techniques taken from Kodokan Judo as part of their respective systems.
Tuiton & Fees
$80/month for entire family*
All students must be age 13 or older. All students are equally important to us from the most uncoordinated to the most athletic. The dojo is a family and we learn together. No one needs to be apprehensive about joining because of age or fitness level.
* One fee covers all parents and dependents residing at same address. Dependants must be between the ages of 13-18 years old.